Our team of DOs and MDs consists of Unlikelies who have encountered adversity, yet have risen to the challenge and are determined to help pave the path for others who come after us. We are resilient, we don’t say no, and we are unequivocally devoted to principles of healthy equity, which is dependent upon reducing the entrance barriers to support a diverse and inclusive physician workforce that is thoroughly versed in the tenets of prevention essential to addressing our chronic disease epidemic.
After finishing her bachelor’s, Emily worked in the Lewis Cantley lab at BIDMC in signal transduction research, and in infectious disease/immunology research in the Marcia Goldberg lab at MGH. During this time, she began to moonlight in the non-profit realm. Her first writing gig was with Spare Change News/The Homelessness Empowerment Project in Boston. She entered medical school after completing her Masters in Biomedical Sciences, and working for a time as an adjunct professor at SUNY Orange Community College, and tutoring the MCAT. As her work on the documentary Code Blue demonstrates, she is eager to share her passion for prevention and lifestyle medicine with students and patients alike. She now writes for Medscape, and looks forward to serving those who’ve experienced unique challenges or lack of opportunities, and inspiring hope along the way.
Saul was raised in Newark, New Jersey. In the midst of two wars, he opted in 2004 to forgo college and enlisted in the U.S. Army. Upon his return from military service, he attained his bachelor’s degree in Biology from Rutgers-Newark. He attended Rutgers New Jersey Medical School where he sought to alleviate inequity by providing mentorship to underrepresented and underprivileged students, and helping facilitate their access to the resources and relationships of medical school academia. He helped to revitalize the Rutgers-Newark chapter of the Minority Association of Pre-Health students by serving as a conduit for the establishment of institutional and organizational alliances between the students of Rutgers-Newark and New Jersey Medical School. He was recognized by the NJMS chapters of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) with the “Trailblazer Award” and “Emprendadores de la Communidad” award for his service and commitment to increasing the representation of individuals from groups historically underrepresented in medicine, eliminating inequities in medical education, and innovative community entrepreneurship. Saul is currently a medical resident in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Prisma
A proud New Yorker, born and raised in the South Bronx to immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic, Angelica prides herself in being a first-generation Latina. Growing up with limited resources but big dreams of becoming a doctor, she learned to be goal-oriented and hard-working from a young age. She graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Latin American Cultures and obtained her second bachelor’s degree from Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY) in Biological Sciences. Post-graduation, Angelica spent several years working in clinical research projects on lung disease, bone fractures, and healthcare disparities at the Columbia University Medical Center. As a medical student at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS), Angelica has held several leadership roles in student organizations. She served as President of Primary Care Progress at NJMS and Vice-President of The Latino Medical Student Association at NJMS. She is passionate about mentoring the youth and serving underserved communities. In her spare time, she volunteers at her school’s free clinic and joins a team of medical students and physicians to visit homeless shelters in the Newark area to provide free medical care for shelter residents. Additionally, she partakes in a student-led initiative to teach health education to 9th graders in local Newark high schools. Angelica’s interest in reducing health disparities in medical care has shaped her path towards a medical career with a focus on community health and health advocacy. Outside of medicine, Angelica’s interests include traveling, crochet, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
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